Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Inspirational British Poem: Sophie Hannah

Sophie Hannah was born in 1971 in Manchester. She is a poet, children's writer, and novelist. In 2004, Hannah was named as one of the Poetry Book Society's "Next Generation" poets. Her poetry is also studied at GCSE, which is an A-level and degree level across the United Kingdom.

"Long for this World"

I settle for less than snow,
try to go gracefully like seasons go

which will regain their ground -
ditch, hill and field - when a new year comes round.

Now I know everything:
how winter leaves without resenting spring,

lives in a safe time frame,
gives up so much but knows he can reclaim

all titles that are his,
fall out for months and still be what he is.

I settle for less than snow:
high only once, then no way up from low,

then to be swept from drives.
Ten words I throw into your changing lives

fly like ten snowballs hurled:
I hope to be, and will, long for this world.

Analysis of "Long for this World"

Sophie Hannah's fourth poem, "Long for this World," is about the way people get attached to places and then have to leave them. Through her inspirational piece, Hannah is encouraging her audience not to get too fond of things that are bound to change because when a person does this, they lose sight of the meaning of the experience. Instead, she wants people to cherish the memories and change
with time.

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